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Do Bad Blackjack Players Hurt The Table? Debunking the Myths

Do Bad Blackjack Players Hurt The Table? Debunking the Myths

A common concern among blackjack players is the impact of "bad" players on the table, with many believing that their decisions can negatively affect the game for everyone else. However, is this belief rooted in fact or merely a myth? In this comprehensive article, we will explore the various myths and misconceptions surrounding blackjack and its players, and provide a clear understanding of how the game is truly affected.

The Myth of Bad Players Affecting the Table

A prevalent belief among many blackjack players is that the decisions made by others at the table can negatively impact their own chances of winning. This is often attributed to instances where a novice player deviates from the standard blackjack strategy, known as Basic Strategy, leading to unfavorable outcomes for others at the table. However, is there any truth to this belief?

The Mathematical Truth: Independence of Hands

Contrary to popular belief, the decisions made by other players at the table do not have a long-term effect on the expected outcome for a Basic Strategy player. In fact, the benefits and consequences of bad plays by other players tend to cancel each other out over time. Sometimes, a poor decision may cost the whole table, but at other times, it may save the table. It's essential to understand that each hand in blackjack is independent, and the outcome of one player's hand does not impact the odds for other players.

Confirmation Bias: The Psychological Factor

The idea that bad players hurt the table is often perpetuated by a psychological phenomenon known as confirmation bias. This is the tendency for individuals to interpret new evidence as a confirmation of their existing beliefs and theories. In the context of blackjack, players may notice when a bad play costs them, but attribute any benefits they receive from such plays as mere luck or a rare exception.

The Influence of Other Players on the Table

While the decisions made by other players do not affect the expected outcome of a Basic Strategy player, there are other ways in which your fellow players can impact your blackjack experience.

Table Dynamics: Full vs. Empty Tables

The number of players at a blackjack table can influence the overall atmosphere and pace of the game. A full table may be more lively and entertaining, while an empty table can be slower and more relaxed. Ultimately, the choice between a full or empty table comes down to personal preference and playing style.

Seating Position: Does It Matter?

Another common blackjack myth is that the seating position at the table can influence the game's outcome. However, the truth is that your seat at the table has no bearing on your odds of winning. What is more important is your focus and concentration on the game, which can be affected by external factors such as noise, distractions, and the actions of other players.

The Impact of the Number of Players on Blackjack Odds

A common question among blackjack players is whether the number of players at the table affects the odds of winning. The short answer is no - the odds remain the same, regardless of whether you play at a full or empty table. The only exception to this rule would be if external factors, such as distractions or a lack of concentration, cause you to make mistakes that could impact your odds.

The Role of Card Counting in Blackjack

One of the most widespread myths about blackjack is that card counting is illegal. While card counting is frowned upon by casinos, it is not illegal and is, in fact, a highly effective strategy when used correctly. By learning to count cards, you can significantly reduce the house edge in blackjack and increase your chances of winning.

The Importance of Basic Strategy in Blackjack

As mentioned earlier, Basic Strategy is the mathematically optimal way to play every possible hand in blackjack. Developed in the 1950s and popularized by Ed Thorp's 1963 book "Beat the Dealer," Basic Strategy is a total-dependent strategy that bases decisions on the player's hand total and the dealer's face-up card. By following Basic Strategy, players can minimize the dealer's advantage and increase their chances of winning.

Mastering Basic Strategy

To become a successful blackjack player, it is crucial to master Basic Strategy. This involves learning the specific actions to take for each hand and dealer up-card combination, including hitting, standing, doubling down, splitting, and surrendering. Familiarizing yourself with Basic Strategy and applying it consistently is key to improving your blackjack game and maximizing your chances of success.

The Impact of Poor Decisions on Individual Players

While the decisions of other players do not affect the overall odds of the game, it's essential to recognize that poor decisions can have a significant impact on individual players. For example, if a player consistently deviates from Basic Strategy, they are likely to experience greater losses than those who adhere to the optimal playing strategy. It is important to focus on your own gameplay and decision-making to increase your chances of winning.

The Effect of Casino Shuffles on the Game

In blackjack, the order of the cards in the deck or shoe is critical to the game's outcome. Casino shuffles, while not designed to be truly random, can have an impact on the game. The more players at a table, the larger the post-shuffle separations between the initial two cards received by each player, including the dealer. This increased separation can enhance the effective randomness of the game and create a more level playing field for all players.

The Influence of the Number of Hands per Unit Time

Another factor that can affect your blackjack experience is the number of hands dealt per unit time. The more spots in action at a table, the fewer hands dealt to each position per unit time. While this may not be immediately noticeable, it can have a significant impact on the bankroll swings each player is likely to experience during any given interval.


In conclusion, the myth that bad players hurt the table in blackjack is not rooted in fact. Each hand in blackjack is independent, and the decisions of other players do not have a long-term effect on the expected outcome for a Basic Strategy player. While it's essential to be aware of the impact of other players on the table's atmosphere and pace, focusing on your own gameplay and mastering Basic Strategy will increase your chances of success in the game of blackjack.

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