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Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy Explained: Does It Work?

Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy Explained: Does It Work?

The Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy is a popular betting system used by many roulette enthusiasts. Often compared to the Labouchere and Fibonacci systems, the Whittaker is designed for even chance bets. In this comprehensive guide, we will explain the Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy in detail, discuss its pros and cons, and provide examples of how it works in practice. By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of this betting system and be able to decide if it's the right strategy for you.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to the Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy
  2. Whittaker vs. Labouchere and Fibonacci Systems
  3. Understanding Even Chance Bets
  4. How the Whittaker Progression Works
  5. Whittaker Progression Examples
  6. Bankroll Management and Stop Loss
  7. Pros and Cons of the Whittaker Progression
  8. Tips for Using the Whittaker Progression
  9. Whittaker Progression FAQs
  10. Conclusion

1. Introduction to the Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy

The Whittaker Progression is a negative progression betting system, which means players increase their bets after a loss and return to the base bet after a win. This system is designed for even chance bets, such as red/black, odd/even, and high/low. The primary goal of the Whittaker Progression is to help players manage their bankroll effectively and minimize losses.

2. Whittaker vs. Labouchere and Fibonacci Systems

The Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy is often compared to the Labouchere and Fibonacci systems. All three strategies are used primarily for even chance bets and share similarities in their approach to betting progression.

Labouchere System

The Labouchere system is a negative progression strategy that involves creating a betting sequence based on the desired profit. When a player wins a bet, they cross off the first and last numbers in their sequence. When they lose a bet, they add the lost amount to the end of their sequence. The goal is to cross off all the numbers in the sequence, achieving the desired profit.

Fibonacci System

The Fibonacci system is also a negative progression strategy, based on the famous Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.). Players increase their bets following the sequence after each loss, and move back two steps in the sequence after each win. The objective is to recover losses and make a profit.

While the Whittaker Progression shares similarities with these systems, its approach to determining bet amounts is slightly different, as we will discuss in the next sections.

3. Understanding Even Chance Bets

Even chance bets in roulette are those that offer a 50-50 chance of winning. These bets include:

  • Red/Black: Betting on the color of the number the ball will land on
  • Odd/Even: Betting on whether the number will be odd or even
  • High/Low: Betting on whether the number will be between 1-18 (low) or 19-36 (high)

The Whittaker Progression is specifically designed for these types of bets, as they offer a balance between risk and reward.

4. How the Whittaker Progression Works

The Whittaker Progression involves a simple rule: make a bet that is the sum of the two previous losing bets. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the Whittaker Progression:

  1. Determine your base bet amount. This should be a small percentage of your total bankroll (e.g., 1%).
  2. Start by placing your base bet on an even chance bet.
  3. If you lose, repeat the same bet amount.
  4. If you lose again, add the two previous losing bets together to determine your next bet amount.
  5. Continue this process until you win a bet.
  6. After a win, return to your base bet amount and start the process again.

The goal of the Whittaker Progression is to recover losses and make a profit by gradually increasing bets after consecutive losses.

5. Whittaker Progression Examples

To help illustrate how the Whittaker Progression works, let's consider a few examples.

Example 1:

  1. You start with a base bet of £10 and lose.
  2. You bet £10 again and lose.
  3. Your next bet is £20 (the sum of the two previous losing bets).
  4. You lose again, so your next bet is £30 (the sum of the two previous losing bets).
  5. You finally win, and you return to your base bet of £10.

Example 2:

  1. You start with a base bet of £5 and lose.
  2. You bet £5 again and lose.
  3. Your next bet is £10 (the sum of the two previous losing bets).
  4. You win, so you return to your base bet of £5.

These examples demonstrate how the Whittaker Progression can help recover losses and potentially make a profit.

6. Bankroll Management and Stop Loss

The Whittaker system is often considered a bankroll management system, as it focuses on how to make bets rather than what numbers to bet on. Establishing an initial betting unit is crucial when using the Whittaker Progression. To do this, divide your total bankroll by 100. The resulting amount is your base bet.

It's also essential to have a stop-loss limit in mind when using the Whittaker Progression. A stop loss is a predetermined amount of losses at which you will stop playing. This helps prevent excessive losses and ensures responsible gambling.

7. Pros and Cons of the Whittaker Progression

Like any betting system, the Whittaker Progression has its pros and cons.


  • Simple to understand and implement
  • Can help manage bankroll effectively
  • Can recover losses and make a profit with a relatively low risk


  • Can lead to large bets after a losing streak
  • Not guaranteed to make a profit in the long run
  • Limited to even chance bets

Considering these pros and cons can help you decide if the Whittaker Progression is the right strategy for your roulette gameplay.

8. Tips for Using the Whittaker Progression

Here are some helpful tips for using the Whittaker Progression effectively:

  1. Stick to one even chance bet throughout the game.
  2. Set a stop-loss limit to minimize potential losses.
  3. Practice the Whittaker Progression with a free online roulette game before playing with real money.
  4. Always play within your means and gamble responsibly.

Following these tips can help ensure a positive experience when using the Whittaker Progression.

9. Whittaker Progression FAQs

Q: Can I use the Whittaker Progression on other casino games?

A: While the Whittaker Progression is designed for roulette, it can also be applied to other casino games with even chance bets, such as baccarat or craps.

Q: Is the Whittaker Progression guaranteed to make a profit?

A: No betting system can guarantee profits, and the Whittaker Progression is no exception. While it can help manage your bankroll and potentially recover losses, there are no guarantees in gambling.

Q: How does the Whittaker Progression compare to other roulette betting systems?

A: The Whittaker Progression is similar to the Labouchere and Fibonacci systems, as all three focus on even chance bets and negative progression. However, the Whittaker's approach to determining bet amounts is slightly different.

10. Conclusion

The Whittaker Progression Roulette Strategy is an interesting betting system that can help players manage their bankroll effectively and potentially recover losses. While it shares similarities with the Labouchere and Fibonacci systems, the Whittaker offers a unique approach to determining bet amounts. By understanding the pros and cons of this strategy and following the tips provided, you can decide if the Whittaker Progression is the right betting system for your roulette gameplay. Always remember to gamble responsibly and enjoy the game.